CFP 2016
Political Masculinities as Agents of Change
The conference aims to encourage and develop diverse understanding concerning political masculinities as agents of change. We hope to showcase the best work in the area occurring internationally as well as to stimulate debate within and between disciplines. We welcome the submission of empirical and theoretical papers from across the full spectrum of gender studies as well as those which critically engage and reflect upon research paradigms and methods. This may include, but is not limited to, work in the arts, humanities, social sciences and sciences. We would particularly welcome papers that seek to address ‘real world’ issues, and in so doing, encourage and contribute toward broader individual and social change.
We define the concept of ‘political masculinities’ broadly. This can relate to any potential actor in the political sphere, including for example, individuals such as activists, insurgents, politicians, political journalists and voters; groups such as political parties, lobbyists, thinktanks, trade unions, and other non-governmental organisations (NGOs); and the State, its institutions as well as representatives. We also emphasise ‘hidden’ political masculinities, such as those associated with global businessmen, as well as political processes and structures and their relation to masculinities.
We likewise define the notion of ‘agents of change’ broadly. This is taken to refer to any actors or actions that serve to challenge normative masculinities – dominant and taken for granted ideals of what it is to be a man – which sustain unequal relations of power between women and men as well as between men themselves. In doing so, such challenge ushers in possibilities for change.
We are therefore interested in exploring where, when, how and why political masculinities can and have served as agents of change at, and across, different levels of analysis. This may include, but is not limited to, the individual; interpersonal; situational; contextual; discursive; representational and/or ideological. In this respect we hope to receive proposals from a diverse range of academic disciplines and practitioners.

Organising Committee
Rosemary Lobban, Anglia Ruskin University
Russell Luyt, Anglia Ruskin University
Sam Martin, Anglia Ruskin University
Daragh McDermott, Anglia Ruskin University
Kathleen Starck, University of Koblenz-Landau

For the programme see