The International Summer School "Political Masculinities in Europe: New Definitions, Methods and Approaches” at Koblenz-Landau, from August 21-24 2018, was a delightful and fruitful event. A mixed group of international PhD-candidates and Post-Doctoral Researchers worked closely together with the invited Keynote-Speakers Marina Blagojevic-Hughson, Jeff Hearns, Cristian Norocel and Niels Spierings (in absentia), on their individual projects and also contributed to a wider methodological framework.

We would like to once again thank the Volkswagen Stiftung and all participants and speakers for making this unique collaborative effort and for (re)defining and thinking in complex ways about the currents of Political Masculinities.

Thanks also to Gergely Kápolnási and his team for filming during the Summer School.




Kathleen Starck

Department of English, Cultural Studies

University of Koblenz Landau, Germany


Birgit Sauer

Department of Political Science

University of Vienna, Austria



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