
Gender Equality

  • Bergqvist, Christina, Elin Bjarnegård and Pär Zetterberg. 2016. ”The Gendered Leeway: Male Privilege, Internal and External Mandates, and Gender Equality Policy Change”, Politics, Groups, and Identities. Published online December 2. 
  • Bjarnegård, Elin and Erik Melander. 2017. “Pacific Men: How Attitudes to Gender Equality Explain Hostility”. Pacific Review 30(4): 478-493
  • Rosenblum, Darren. 2008. Loving Gender Balance: Reframing Identity-Based Inequality Remedies, 76 Fordham L. Rev. 2873.


Identity Politics in Germany

  • Brunotte, Ulrike. “Masculinities a Battleground of German Identity Politics. Colonial Transfers, Homophobia, and Anti-Semitism around 1900.” In: Grenzregime, Geschlechterkonstellationen zwischen Kulturen und Räumen der Globalisierung Ed. Waltraud Ernst. Münster: LIT, 2010, 165-184. 



  • Emig, Rainer. “‘All the Others Translate’: W.H. Auden’s Poetic Dislocations of Self, Nation, and Culture”, in: Translation and Nation, Hrsg. Roger Ellis und Liz Oakley-Brown, Topics in Translation, 18 (Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 2001), 167-204. 
  • Emig, Rainer. “Queering the Straights – Straightening Queers: Commodified Sexualities and Hegemonic Masculinity”, in: Subverting Masculinity: Hegemonic and Alternative Versions of Masculinity in Contemporary Culture, Hrsg. Frank Lay und Russell West, Genus: Gender in Modern Culture, 1 (Amsterdam und Atlanta: Rodopi, 2001), 207-226. 
  • Emig, Rainer. “False Memories: The Strange Return of the First World War in Contemporary British Fiction”, Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 240 (2003), 259-271. 
  • Emig, Rainer. “Madness, Eccentricity, Sociability: Menry Mackenzie’s The Man of Feeling (1771) and the Trials of Modernising the British Subject“, in: Einsamkeit und Geselligkeit um 1800, Hrsg. Susanne Schmid, Regensburger Beiträge zur Gender Forschung, 3 (Heidelberg: Winter, 2008), 163-175. 
  • Emig, Rainer. “Inflationary Masculinity in Shakespeare: Gendering the Early Modern Subject”, in: Shakespearean Culture – Cultural Shakespeare, Hrsg. Jürgen Kamm und Bernd Lenz, PALK, 8 (Passau: Stutz, 2009), 47-63. 
  • Emig, Rainer. “Assimilating the ‚pretty youngster’: George Eliot’s Eroticized Men on the Borderlines of Morality, Religion, Race, and Nation”, in: Women Constructing Men: Female Novelists and Their Male Characters, 1750-2000, Hrsg. Sarah S.G. Frantz und Katharina Rennhak (Lanham et al.: Lexington Books, 2010), 119-135. 
  • Emig, Rainer. “Staging the Phallus: Naked Boys Singing!“, Journal of Contemporary Drama in English, 1:1 (2013), 126-136. 
  • Norocel, Ov Cristian (2010). Reading ‘Princepele’ through the Eyes of the Doomed – Queering Nationalism and Masculinity in a Communist Romanian Novel. SQS – Suomen Queer-tutkimuksen Seuran Lehti – Tidskrift för Queerforskning i Finland – Journal of Queer Studies in Finland 4(1-2): 1–11. 
  • Neumann, Birgit (2012). "Gender Politics and the Politics of Terrorism in Neil Jordan’s The Crying Game." In: Journal for the Study of British Cultures, 19, 2/2012. 


Marriage, Family & the State

  • Geva, Dorit. 2001. "Not Just Maternalism: Marriage and Fatherhood in American Welfare Politics." In Social Politics. International Studies in Gender, State and Society. Vol 18, 1: 24-51. 



  • Haar van der, Marleen. “’Coming Dowm From Their Throwns’? Framing Migrant Men in Dutch Politics.” In: Womens Studies International Forum. xxx (2013), 1-8. 


Militarized Masculinity

  • Bjarnegård, Elin and Erik Melander. 2011. “Disentangling Gender, Peace and Democratization: the negative effects of militarized masculinity”, Journal of Gender Studies 10:2. 


Nationalism / the Radical Right 

  • Norocel, Ov Cristian (2009). Globalisation and its male contenders? The question of conservative masculinities within the radical right populist discourses across the EU. In J. Kultalahti, I. Karppi, O. Kultalahti, & E. Todisco (Eds.), Globalisation – Challenges to Research and Governance (pp. 237–250). Helsinki, FI: East–West Books Helsinki. 
  • Norocel, Ov Cristian (2010). Constructing radical right populist resistance: Metaphors of heterosexist masculinities and the family question in Sweden. NORMA: Nordic Journal for Masculinity Studies 5(2), 169–183. 
  • Norocel, Ov Cristian (2011). Heteronormative Constructions of Romanianness: A Genealogy of Gendered Metaphors in Romanian Radical-Right Populism 2000–2009. Debatte: Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe 19(1-2), 453–470. 
  • Starck, Kathleen. "'Join Our Band of Brothers': Screening 1980s Nationalism and Masculinity in This is England." A Man's World? Political Masculinities in Literature and Culture. Eds. Kathleen Starck & Birgit Sauer. C-S-P, 2014, 155-166.
  • Starck, Kathleen."I am a Bull Trader By Nature. Performing Nigel Farage." in NORMA, vol. 15, 2020, 43-58.


Networks and Political Recruitment

  • Bjarnegård, Elin. 2018. “The role of masculinities and male dominated networks in corruption”, in Stensöta, Helena and Lena Wängnerud: Gender and Corruption. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Bjarnegård, Elin and Meryl Kenny. 2017. ”Who, where, and how? Filling the gaps in theory-building on gendered dynamics in political recruitment” in Waylen, Georgina: Gender and Informal Institutions. Rowman & Littlefield. 


Political violence

  • Bjarnegård, Elin, Karen Brounéus and Erik Melander. 2017. ”Honor and Political Violence. Micro-level findings from a Survey in Thailand”. Journal of Peace Research 54(6).




The State, Militarism, War & Conscription, Security

  • Bjarnegård, Elin, Erik Melander, Gabrielle Bardall, Karen Brounéus, Erika Forsberg, Karin Johansson, Angela Muvumba Sällström, Louise Olsson. 2015. ”Gender, Peace, and Armed Conflict” in the SIPRI Yearbook 2015. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Bjarnegård, Elin and Erik Melander. 2018. ”Gender and Conflict in East Asia” in Teh-Kuang Chang and Angelin Chang: Routledge Handbook of Asia in World Politics. Abingdon: Routledge. 
  • Geva, Dorit. 2011. "Where the State Feared to Tread: Conscription and Local Patriarchalism in Modern France." In Julia Adams & Mounira Charrad (eds.) The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. Vol. 336, 1: 111-128. 
  • Geva, Dorit. 2001. "Different and Unequal? Breadwinning, Dependency Deferments, and the Gendered Origins of the United States Selective Service System." In Armed Forces & Society. 37: 598-618. 
  • Streicher, Ruth. 2012. "Fashioning the Gentlemanly State. The Curious Charm of the Military Uniform in Southern Thailand." In International Feminist Journal of Politics, Special Issue: Masculinities and Practices of Violence in Conflict Settings, 470-488. 
  • Stachowitsch, Saskia. 2014. "The Reconstruction of Masculinities in Global Politics: Gendering Strategies in the Field of Private Security." in: Men and Masculinities published on Online First, 6 October 2014. 
  • Zarkov, Dubravka. 2011, "Exposures and Invisibilities: Media, Masculinities and the Narratives of Wars in an Intersectional Perspective." In H. Lutz et al. (eds.) Celebrating Intersectionality, Ashgate, 105-120. 
  • Zarkov, Dubravka. 2007, "The Body of the Other Man," in The Body of War. Media, Ethnicity and Gender in the Break-up of Yugoslavia, Durham and London: Duke University Press , 155-169. 
  • Zarkov, Dubravka. 2002, "'Srebrenica Trauma': Masculinity, Military and National Self-Image in Dutch Daily Newspapers," In Cockbrun and Zarkov (eds.), Postwar Moment: Militaries, Masculinities and the International Peacekeeping, London: Lawrence and Wishart, 183-203. 



  • Luyt, R. (2012). "Constructing Hegemonic Masculinities in South Africa: The Discourse and Rhetoric of Heteronormativity." Gender and Language, 6, 47-77.
  • Luyt, R. (2003). "Rhetorical Representations of Masculinities in South Africa: Moving towards a Material-Discursive Understanding of Men." Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 13, 46-69. 

